Monday, November 22, 2010

I had this whole long sappy post written up, but in the end I figured I could sum up my decision in about one sentence.  As with everyone I have priorities in life, and my priorities are conflicting right now.  One of them has to go and my family comes way before Wooltopia dryer balls.

I want to assure everyone about a few things:

1.  Wooltopia is not going anywhere.  I will still be here knitting and possibly selling dyed roving.  Any issues with dryer balls can still be emailed to me at or  Customer service is not going anywhere :)

2.  Retailers still have their stock of Wooltopia dryer balls and will sell them until they sell out.  At that point, if you still want dryer balls, I highly recommend Buddha Bunz dryer balls.

3.  There is nothing wrong with the dryer balls and that is not why we are discontinuing them.

4.  Everything is fine with myself and my family!

Please feel free to ask any questions and I will get to them ASAP!

Monday, November 15, 2010


I was hoping to do a raffle that would benefit a family in need this Christmas.  For their sake I don't want to give many details, but they are possibly one of the most deserving families.  Unfortunately raffles, even charitable ones, are illegal in the state of Alabama.  So my compromise is this, a giveaway!!  No strings attached, anyone can enter this giveaway by simply posting on this blog post.

However, for every $1 donation, you get 10 extra entries.  Donate $5, get 50 entries!

The giveaway is for a set of 4 beautiful pink dryer balls!

The giveaway will be open until Wednesday, November 17 at 11p.m. central time.

Comment on this blog post with your email address please.

Optional Entries:
Send a $1 donation via paypal to  Please send payments as 'Personal' and 'gift', thank you!
Paypal Send Money
Each $1 donation is worth 10 extra entries - no limit.

Good luck everyone!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm really excited :)

I have to admit, after my Spread the Love campaign I was a bit disappointed.  I think the message got through, but I was still seeing so much hate all over the place.  It just makes me sad.

But I've noticed a lot of companies doing giveaways that involve spreading the love...and that makes me happy and excited!  Maybe that contest DID make a difference!  Maybe we did start something new.  And maybe all this spreading of love and positivity will truly change everyone, in a way at least.

And even when they aren't giveaways of contests that I would enter, it makes my day to see the love being spread from other companies.  :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

And the winners are...

Happy Baby Company $25 GC - Beth and David

1 tutu with a matching headband from Mimi Luvin's Tutus - Katie (beautyformyashes @

Medium size bag of Clean B:  Momma Cass

A fleece soaker from Rockin Rears: Holly Wilson

1 baby carrier from Hold Me Close: Lacey Riggs
1 baby carrier from Hold Me Close: Catherine Adrons
$10 GC to For Mom and Keiki: khaymax
Wooltopia Winners!!




Becky (rastrassbur at gmail dot com)


Congrats to all the winners!!!  I'll be sending out emails in just a few minutes!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The 1000 "likes" giveaway!!

Well we reached 1000 likes...quite awhile ago!  Yes, I can be slow on the organizational front.

Anyway, we've got some great prizes and fun ways to enter.  First, the prizes so far are:

$25 Gift Certificate to Happy Baby Company!
1 tutu with a matching headband from Mimi Luvin's Tutus
A medium size bag of Clean B detergent with your choice of scent!!
A fleece soaker from Rockin Rears!
2 Baby Carriers from Hold Me Close!
A $10 Gift Certificate to For Mom and Keiki!

And from Wooltopia:
Your choice of a pumpkin hat or set of 2 dryer balls! (7 prizes!)

There is only ONE requirement to enter...make a comment on this blog post!  Leave your email so I can easily reach you, please!

There are plenty of additional entries as well.
Get an additional entry for every sponsor that you 'like' on facebook:
Happy Baby Company
Mimi Luvin's Tutus
Clean B Detergent
Rockin Rears
Hold Me Close carriers
For Mom and Keiki

And if you are interested in MORE additional entries, keep an eye on the Wooltopia facebook page.  There will be more than a few opportunities for extra entries!!

Winners will be chosen by on Wednesday Oct 20!  All prizes will be sent by sponsors.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Adventures in No-Poo Land

No poo as in shampoo...not the other thing!

I'm going to admit real quick that I was misinformed about no-poo.  Yes, I am going to blame someone else for my misinformation!  I think I first heard about no-poo about 2 or 3 years ago while living in North Carolina.  One of the women in a playgroup of ours said she didn't use shampoo - just water.  Except every 2 or 3 weeks she would wash as normal.  Water would never work for my hair.  Now I'm thinking that she was probably confused about no-poo, too!!

So after the green ideas post, I decided to give no-poo a shot.  I've been using hubby's Head and Shoulders FOR MEN for almost 2 weeks now and it's time to get back to something for me.  I have thick thick hair so I doubled the recipe (2 tbsp baking soda with 2 cups of water).

Real quick, I have a suggestion.  Use warm water when making your mixture!!!

After using the baking soda mixture I noticed that my hair wasn't as stiff and rigid after washing with shampoo.  It was kind of smooth and I could actually run my fingers through it!!  Then I did the apple cider vinegar rinse.

Another quick not make the mistake of letting your hand slip and pouring the apple cider vinegar rinse down your face...

Rinsing was quick and easy.  Right out of the shower my hair didn't feel as soft as normal.  It wasn't bad or anything, but conditioner really does get my hair soft.  After drying it feels clean and fairly soft...not quite what I am used to.  But I think I can get used to it!!

I'm going to give it a go for 2 weeks and see how it goes!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I've had the feeling recently that some people have misunderstood things I've said.  And if some people have misunderstood, it's quite possible that my fans too have misunderstood.  So I have a few things to say a bit more clearly.

First, in my post "A dryer ball is a dryer ball" I did mention that dryer balls can be unique!!  I think most of the ones you see on facebook, etsy, and hyena cart will work the same.  Of course be careful of weight!  Always always make sure you know the weight of what you're buying: dryer ball wise that is!  But there are things that make certain brands unique.  Some people carry dryer balls made out of different materials for people allergic to wool!  Different scents, different scenting methods, different dyes, different colors, different styles, etc etc!!  I saw one of etsy in the style of a giraffe!  So cute.  So anyway, while I think they will all mostly work the same way, the are differences in style.

Secondly, I said I don't like competition, and that's true.  Competition is what led a marine to tell my husband that he's a worthless piece of sh*t because he's in the army.  That's nice.  My husband didn't spend a year in Afghanistan protecting this country because he's a worthless piece of sh*t.  But the competition that marine felt with soldiers apparently led him to be unable to appreciate that.  And it's not like that is an isolated incident.  Anyone in the military knows that all the branches have a certain degree of competition.  Sadly it goes into the business world too.  I cannot tell you how many companies I have stopped buying from because of commercials that feel the need to compare.  Just last week there was a Huggies commercial where Huggies had to compare their diapers to Pampers.  I wish Huggies could just state what they liked about their product, and not what they hate about others.  Of course I don't buy Huggies, but it did irritate me!

So when I say I don't like competition, I'm referring to the comparisons, and put downs.  I'm referring to one retailer tattling on another retailer.  I'm referring to the constant oneupmanship that is annoying at best.  I've seen many many dryer balls companies promote their own dryer balls by putting down others.  I'm not talking about just 1 or 2 people and I'm not singling anyone out.  Just saying that I don't like it.  I know what healthy competition is.  I know it because I have become friends with one of my competitors and we enjoy healthy competition on a daily basis.  We keep each other in line :)  But we don't try to shoot each other in the foot either because it's not necessary.  Her dryer balls sell well as do mine and I don't think either of us are particularly threatened by the other... Now perhaps I didn't choose the best words to use when I first said this (I think underhanded and backstabbing might have the the exact words chosen) but eh, we all make mistakes.    It might have been harsh, but that was how I felt!  

And lastly - yes we are retailer only right now.  I might or may not open a small in stock store one day, but that is up in the air right now.  Our prices have not gone up and most retailers still offer the same price as before.  In fact, most of them offer free shipping so it seems like there is a better deal to be had.  Colors are still available, and if anyone is looking for a certain color feel free to ask!  I will track down who has it in stock for you.

I've said it before, but I will say it again (as many times as necessary!!) if you need anything, please send me an e-mail at  I will always do my best to respond and help fix a problem, or find what you need.  Or you can send me a joke because I do enjoy laughing!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have a confession

I don't like when people dislike me.  I'm one of "those" people.  Not to say that I'm one of those instantly likable people.  I'm like asparagus...I grow on you :)  I make friends best at places that the same people have to go to over a period of soccer games, school, playgroups.  I don't make friends with the neighbors, or the people in line at Target.  They also don't hate me though, so I can't say that particularly bothers me.

Yesterday someone very close to me said that I am the person who thinks that everyone in the world should be able to get together in one room and get along.  And then last night I had a dream that I was in a room with Kim Jong Il, Osama Bin Ladin, and Mugabe - the guy from Africa.  We got along fine, but I think it helped that Kim Jong Il was the puppet from Team America: World Police.

When I know there is discord for misunderstood reasons it makes me want to fix it.  I get this insane urge to make it right.  I've learned in the past that isn't always possible.  I remember high school!!  Even rumors among best friends could tear people apart.

And the funny thing about apologies is that people rarely mean them.  So often I hear someone tell their kid to apologize.  Yeah, I've done it before, too.  But then you have to wonder what the point is.  How easy is it to say "sorry".  If there isn't any meaning behind it though it's...well meaningless.  Recently I've spent a lot of time trying to prompt my son to apologize without directly asking.  It's tough.  He's 4 and doesn't really get empathy.  I hope one day he understands was a true apology is and then learns how to appropriately use them.  I think it's funny when people demand an apology when someone does something wrong.  What does that show?  The person is trying to ease the tension by apologizing, but chances are they're not actually sorry.

So this has made me come to the realization that I could never be a celebrity.  I would absolutely lose my mind and within 6 months I would be shaving my head like Britney.  I would never apologize for a simple misunderstanding and the people would be angry...which would drive me crazy!!  And forget about politics.  I think hate is a requirement to be in the political world and I'm not aggressive enough to cut it.  I was the girl in basketball who felt bad for the other team and would start playing worse almost intentionally!

Thankfully my heart was never set on being famous :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Truly shocked!

I never imaged that my little Spread the Love contest would turn into I Love WAHM Day.  I am truly amazed at the power of positivity and hope that other WAHMs appreciated all the love they got from THEIR customers.  It was more than uplifting to read all he complements for other companies.  So many of you really put time and energy into spreading the love and left so many meaningful comments.  I really hope a few WAHMs are headed to bed with happy feelings tonight!

All the positivity of yesterday left me to think of where else I could be a more positive person.  I started by spreading the love to my husband.  Just a quick text while he was at working telling him how much I appreciate him (his response?  "Who is this?".  That's my husband, geez!).  And then I decided to challenge myself.  What fun is a challenge to others, after all.  So here for the next week I will not speak a negative word.  Not when my husband does something annoying, not when my son spills his milk for the 500th time of the day, not when I'm mad at myself for wasting my own time!  No negativity on my blog, on my facebook, or my home away from home online.  7 negativity.  I'm a sarcastic person so this should be interesting!

And now from some good ol' quotes from the best author ever, Dr. Seuss.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

"Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alike who is youer than you"

I know who I am and I am the youest me, and thankfully no one can change that.  Well, except for me of course!

And last quote there Serenity Prayer.  I want to start by saying that in a rough patch in my past I learned the Serenity Prayer and it brought me more hope than any prayer I've ever heard.  But just now for the first time I read the entire prayer and I don't even think there are words...

God, grant us the...
Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference
Patience for the things that take time
Appreciation for all that we have, and
Tolerance for those with different struggles
Freedom to live beyond the limitations of our past ways, the
Ability to feel your love for us and our love for each other and the
Strength to get up and try again even when we feel it is hopeless.

I tried to change other people yesterday and therein lies my mistake.  I cannot change the negativity and hate in the world.  I will change myself and hope that I can lead by example.  I do appreciate every single person that participated in every single Spread the Love contest and I hope that maybe we accomplished something big today.

Signing off from my blog for a bit and reorganizing my facebook to make it what I want.  Changes to come, but only things I am courageous enough to change.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time to share

A bit about me.  I'm a fairly private person, so this will really probably just be a little bit.  My real name is Erin but growing up I always wanted to go by my middle name, Lyn.  It has a lot of meaning to me because I was named after my grandmothers (MaryiLYN and CaroLYN).  I have one brother who I love, and he has a wonderful wife.  I could not ask for a better sister-in-law!!  My husband's name is Marshall and we met while working together at a movie theater when we were 17.  Our first son was born 4 years later - and he's a Jr.  Our second son was born almost 3 years after that, and now number 3 is due in April!

My husband is an Air Traffic Controller in the army; active duty.  He's been deployed to Afghanistan and has completed a tour in Korea.  He's coming up on his 4th anniversary in January, so as you can tell he's been away from us quite a bit in the past 4 years.  We're really really happy to have him home right now, and really excited to be stationed at a non-deployable unit for the time being.  That is all likely to change in November when he reenlists though!

I never thought I'd be a crunchy mom until my first son was born.  Things changed immediately though, and we haven't looked back.  We're a homeschooling family which is just a dream come true for me.  I love being home with my boys, even though it means sacrificing a lot.  I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

Wooltopia came about last March.  I love to knit and wanted to have more reason to knit.  I started doing testers for shorties for my friends and just really enjoyed it.  Wooltopia was started so that I could knit for more people.  But I wanted to do more than just knit.  Frankly, I'm a slow knitter and wanted something more to sell.  And that's when I came across dryer balls.  I had made some for me and for some friends and thought it was something I could do for more people.  They are 'green' and useful and really WORK.  I spent hours and days and weeks finding what I needed, testing methods, and coming out with a product I was happy to represent.  Since then I've spent 7 months perfecting that process and it's gone through a lot work.  The dryer balls we're sending out today are probably very different than the ones we sent out in April!!  The dryer balls really took off and I've lost sight of the fact that Wooltopia was started for knitting.  But I've regained my sight, and I'm getting back on track.  I love making dryer balls and knowing that I'm putting out something positive to the world, but I have a passion for knitting that I don't want to loose.

I want to end this with a comment on WAHMs.  This may seem off topic, but it's been weighing on my heart lately.  Last February I couldn't help but think about how awesome it would be to have my own business at home.  Be my own boss, sell my own product!!  And I won't lie, it can be fun.  But there is a lot more to it.  I spend a lot more time than I ever thought I would on this business.  If I were to calculate my hourly rate I'm sure it would fall between $2 and $2.25 an hour lol.  I feel confident in saying that most WAH mom's with their own businesses on etsy or hyena cart or something of that sort are not in it for the money.

So please PLEASE be respectful of the WAHMs behind these businesses.  No one is perfect and mistakes are made...Lord knows I've made my own mistakes.  But these are products that we put our heart and soul into.  Reading reviews or comments on other sites that just degrade your product are disheartening at best.  If you have a problem with a company or product, contact that company FIRST.  There is no need to go around spreading negativity and hate.  There is enough of that in this world.

I'll even start off the positivity.  Here's what I think of my "competition" (in quotes because as I've said before, I don't like competition and don't understand why we cannot all coexist without the hate).

Melinda at Buddha Bunz makes amazing customs.  I wish I had the needle felting talent that she does.  Seriously I can hardly draw, and she's putting these designs on dryer balls.  I've recently been blessed with the fact that I can call Melinda a friend.  She's supported me these past few weeks more than I ever thought someone in direct competition with me could.

Fluffalumps may be a newer company, but she's offering some pretty amazing colors.  Bright, vibrant and a great variety. Can't say I've talked with Victoria a lot, but we have exchanged an e-mail or two and she seems very friendly..

Bouncing Woolies is also fairly new but she's had some interesting ideas for car fresheners and what she calls FUNKtastic woolies.

Baby Bear Dryer balls are also pretty new, but I've had the opportunity to talk with this WAHM and she's really sweet.  She actually runs her own cloth diaper store (which sells my dryer balls; in colors only!) and has now started her own dryer ball company.  I could definitely be wrong, but this is the only store that I've noticed that uses ORGANIC wool on their dryer balls.

So there it is.  I'm trying to take the first step to spreading love instead of hate (how cliche! Oy!).  I see so much hate everyday, especially in the cloth diaper industry.  It's appalling to see so many women (and men!) with similar goals who have this cutthroat mentality.

Okay, off my soap box.  How about I challenge you to do something nice today.  Even more specific, go tell a WAHM how wonderful they and/or their product is WITHOUT (and this part is important) without insulting one of their competitors.  And yes, that includes saying "I got a a similar product from another company, and yours is just so much better!"
I'll even make the challenge a bit better, how about I give it 24 hours.  Post to my facebook page the complement you gave and a tag to the company.  I'll use tomorrow to pick a winner.  The prize will be...a $10 GC to your choice of my retailers (or if you'd prefer, 2 dryer balls!).

You can complement whatever company you choose - even one of my competitors.  But if you say anything negative about another company in the post, you will be disqualified.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I guess this isn't so much of a response as something I've been wanting to say for awhile but haven't had the right opportunity.

A wool dryer ball is a wool dryer ball is a wool dryer ball.  Honestly, Wooltopia dryer balls are not magical and do not hold any wizard powers.  They will bounce around in your dryer and save you some drying time, soften your clothes, and cut down on static.  And guess what?  Most of the other dryer balls out there will do the same.  Are all dryer balls created equal?  Well no.  But for the most part, they're all going to achieve the same results.  I'd like to tell you that Wooltopia dryer balls are super special and will also fold your clothes, but sadly we haven't figured that feature out yet.

I've been told by a very reputable source that any dryer ball over 2.5 oz will have the same beneficial qualities.   So a 2.5 oz ball that is 3 inches around, or a 2.5 oz ball that is 12 inches around...or a 3 oz 3 inch ball or a 3 oz 12 inch doesn't matter!!

That's not to say that dryer balls cannot be unique.  There are different scents, colors, methods.  But all in all I believe you are buying the experience of the maker.  One might last longer than another.  But since most of them will last a year or 2, not much research has been done in that area.

So there it is, the truth about dryer balls!  Buy what you want, from who you want and know that wherever you buy them from you are going to get a product that works...because wool dryer balls really do work!!  But they work because they are wool dryer balls, and not because any brand is more magical than the other.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The reason behind our 'Retailer Only' Status

I wanted to take a second and explain in further detail why we've decided to go retailer only.  In the end, this deal won't have a big effect on the customer.  My retailers often have great deals, and can usually ship faster than I can.  The pricing is the same and there are a great deal of colors and scents to choose from!

The biggest reason behind going retailer-only is time.  I have 2 young boys at home, and simply packing up orders can take an hour or more out of my day.  Add that to the amount of time to make and dye dryer balls, and this fun part-time business has turned into a full time job!  By going retailer only I can make dryer balls in larger sets, package up one box a day if that, and cut my 'working' time in half or more.

Secondly, it makes no sense to me to compete with my retailers.  And every time I have a coupon code or special deal on my website, that is exactly what I am doing!  It's not fair to them because the cost of each dryer ball is a lot less for me.

Third, being able to focus solely on making the dryer balls means that I can continue to improve on my product while my retailers can be the ones "spreading the word!"

*I've edited out reason number 4 because my dear dear husband says it's too high schoolish and I'm better to ignore it.  So the new reason number 4 is that I love to promote other WAHMs and if I can do something that helps my retailers, I'm happy to!

So there it is.  I plan on offering coupon codes and deals through my retailers, and also will post any specials they have on our facebook page.  And just wait until you see the holiday specials we have coming up!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Last weekend Blowout!!!

On September 1st will only be selling our dryer balls through our retailers.  I figured out last weekend deserved a big blowout!  In order to comply with facebook rules, I will be hosting the giveaway on this rarely used blog!

So here are the details of the giveaway!!  It will be open until Sunday August 29th at midnight central time.  There will be many opportunities to enter over the next 2 days!

So the prize?
4 pack of Wooltpia Dryer balls
1 Scent Again Pack (your choice of scent)
1 bag of Lulu's In The Fluff detergent

Open to US and Canada only.

The mandatory entry:
Comment on this blog post and tell me what scent you'd like for the scent again pack, if you'd need hard water or regular Lulu's detergent, and please leave your e-mail!

Optional Entries:
Post on a forum about this giveaway (1 entry)
Refer a friend to this giveaway (1 entry)

There will be more optional entries to come I'm sure!

While it's not required, you can check out our facebook page to be updated on more optional entries!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ladybug shorties!

Unfortunately I didn't get great pictures before these mailed out, and I didn't realize it until after I mailed them out!!  Hopefully the recipient will take some great pictures for me!!!

These ladybug shorties are about a size medium, but knit specifically for Jamie's daughter Kadie.

And a close up of the ladybug detail

I loved making these shorties!!  And the ruffles were tons of fun!  They are so time consuming but the result is totally worth it!!

Robot board shorties!

DH said that these colors look like robot colors, so I call these my robot board shorties!  I tried a lower rise on these and I'm not pleased...back to the old rise I think!

I've already had another request for this color scheme too!

Supposed to be longies

Well these were supposed to be longies, but apparently I got the measurement on his legs off a bit!!  Now they are just highwater!  At least they work well though!!

I love the yellow and brown stripes too!!!

I'm still working on perfecting the pattern a bit.  I think I just have a few more alterations to make for a perfect fit!

Board shorties!

I wanted to make a boyish shortie that was longer then typical shorties, but short enough to be cool in the summer too.  So board shorties were born!!!  I think they're long enough to be fashionable, but short enough to be...well cool in the summer!

So I started with the blue, green, and black color scheme that I just adore.  I overshot the length a bit, but it was easy to pull back the shorts on the next pair!

Here is Ryker modeling his lovely board shorties!
I am so pleased with these!!  One of the best parts is that I scented them when lanolizing, and even now 3 weeks later, they still smell amazing!!!  Although I do get weird looks when I smell his little butt in public.

New blog

I know it's a bit lame, but I always like to start a blog with a bit of an introduction...and good marker of a start I guess.  So here we go.  I am a 25 year old SAHM to my 2 beautiful boys who are 3.75 and 1.  I love to knit and I wanted to find a useful way to use my talents...enter Wooltopia.  I have a newfound love for wool and everything wool.  I intend on knitting a LOT, especially in the winter.  Wool hats, gloves, and scarves would be absolutely perfect for the snow! 

I'm also taking a dive into wool dryer balls.  These little balls helped with drying time so much - it's amazing!!   

I'm so excited to be starting this journey, and I'm so excited to document it all in a blog!